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Counselor Registration for AYB Playbooks 

As a Counselor You Have An Awesome Responsibility

Helping people identify the path to their future is a noble calling.  Please allow At Your Best to assist you in your work by sending you a full set of our new AYB Playbooks - free of charge - so you can share them with the folks you help every day. Register to be one of 500 guidance & employment counselors to receive a full set of AYB Playbooks - funded by our GoFundMe campaign.


At Your Best Playbooks provide a step-by-step, start-to-finish game plan for starting and building a successful career in the Skilled Trades in a local market - anywhere in the US.


AYB Playbooks are specifically designed to help:

  • Those entering the workforce for the first time

  • Our veterans transitioning back to civilian life

  • Those who are unemployed or underemployed, and

  • Those who made mistakes in the past but are reintegrating into society 

helping hand outstretched for salvation
Register to be One of 500 to Receive a Full Set of AYB Playbooks

(All fields are required to qualify to receive the AYB Playbooks - free of charge)

Please Note: Your information will not be shared or sold - ever.

Thanks for registering!

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